The state of lib-gwt-svg and lib-gwt-file

Dear lib-gwt-svg and lib-gwt-file users,

As you probably have noticed, the rate of updates and support responsiveness on the two libraries has declined in the past few months. There are two main reasons for that:
1/ It reflects the state of GWT development and Java development in general. Google has transferred the responsibility of the framework to a committee. The committee has announced bold and distant moves (GWT 2.6 in Q4-2013, followed by GWT 3.0 in H2-2014). I find some of the new directions interesting (like the focus on mobile where indeed GWT could be interesting), but until the promises materialize, I take a wait and see approach.
2/ I have pursued other interests myself, and revisited native JS development, and I really like what I found. I have ported
to JS, and, in combination with a good IDE, it gives me the same level of comfort I had GWT / Eclipse. If you are curious, you can read more in this post.

Along with these updates, I am also upgrading my own programs based on lib-gwt-svg and lib-gwt-file: lib-gwt-chess, svgreal and lib-gwt-svg-edu. The updates mostly address Firefox compatibility issues, caused by recent changes in Firefox which broke the code. The update to lib-gwt-svg-edu is also an attempt to introduce responsive design in GWT using media queries. Depending on the format of the page (landscape or portrait) the layout of the game controls will adapt to give the greatest possible screen area to the game itself. As you can see if you look at the code, implementing something like this in GWT is far from elegant (one could do much better with native JS). I hope future GWT versions will provide a improvements to GWT CSS integration.

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