Memokid relicensed under GPLv3 !

Memokid is now free software. The game, which used to be marketed by the now defunct online store, has been re-licensed under GPLv3. The source code is available at this URL on gitlab:

The source base has been modernized. This was quite a challenge in itself since the code base was six […]

New Game Memokid

I am launching a new game today called Memokid. The purpose of the game is to train your memory, and it can appeal to anybody from 3 to 103 ! Here are some of the highlights of the game:

You can choose from eight decks of cards: food, animals, transportation. One of the decks even […]

lib-gwt-svg 0.5.11 released to address dropped SVG1.1 features in Chome 48+

I am releasing a new version of lib-gwt-svg to preserve compatibility with Chrome 48+. Indeed Chrome 48+ has begun dropping compatibility with several SVG1.1 features in their quest to implement new SVG2.0 features. The sad thing is that they dropped SVG 1.1 features before they even provided a working SVG2.0 replacement !

You can get […]

new firefoxos app: dictaphone.js

I am launching today a new FirefoxOS app: dictaphone.js. This application implements a digital dictaphone and relies on the WebAudio and IndexedDB APIs. It fills a need of my own as I missed such an own on my own Geeksphone Peak phone and could not find something suitable on the Firefox Marketplace.

The app has […]

Firefox OS development and OpenWebApps

I am launching today two new sites dedicated to FirefoxOS applications and FirefoxOS games. is a web site dedicated to providing open-source FirefoxOS compatible applications. is a web site dedicated to providing open-source FirefoxOS compatible games.

Even though the main focus of these sites is FirefoxOS software, the apps I intend to publish […]

libsvg.js: porting lib-gwt-svg apps to native JS and Firefox OS

I recently purchased a FirefoxOS phone and wanted to create my first application for the device. I already had a large legacy of GWT code based on lib-gwt-svg and lib-gwt-file and wondered if I would be able to reuse some of that and in what form.

I quickly realized that I would not be able […]