New site organization

I am releasing a lot of new code and projects today, so I have decided to take advantage of this opportunity to restructure the vectomatic website.

There are now five main sections:

1. apps Contains online web apps, the most notable one being the new svgreal SVG editor. 2. libs Contains lib-gwt-svg and lib-gwt-file. 3. […]

lib-gwt-svg 0.5.5 availability

I am launching today lib-gwt-svg 0.5.5. The main highlight of this release is support for touch events. This version also fixes a few bugs and adds minor features I needed for my new project svgreal. The specifics is detailed in the release notes.

With regards to touch event support, here are the main points you […]

the svgreal SVG editor

I am launching todayan online app to edit SVG resources.

The (long term !) purpose of project svgreal is to let anyone with a browser open and edit any SVG resource locally or on the Internet. Real svg resources, not just svg resources originally created by svgreal itself. Users should be able to open multiple […]

Update of lib-gwt-file

I am releasing today a new version of lib-gwt-file, to try to keep up with the specification and recent evolution in the W3C draft specification. The highlight of this new version are as follows:

Migration of the interfaces to the lastest W3C file API draft (W3C Working Draft 20 October 2011), except for error management […]

Availability of lib-gwt-svg 0.5.4 and other announcements

I am releasing a new version of lib-gwt-svg. For a detailed list of changes, see the release notes. This new version is mostly a bug-fix and tuning release, which provides better support for IE9 and Opera. Among the notable features of the release are:

On IE9, the XPath APIs are now supported. This is made […]

Availability of lib-gwt-file 0.2

lib-gwt-file 0.2 is now available. It does not provide new functionality with regards to the previous release, but is a migration to GWT 2.4.0.

Changes in this release

As GWT 2.4.0 now provides native support for HTML 5 drag-and-drop, lib-gwt-file 0.2 uses these native event classes instead of its own, wherever possible. lib-gwt-file’s own drag-and-drop […]

Availability of lib-gwt-svg 0.5.3 and other announcements


Concomitantly to the release of GWT 2.4, I am releasing a new version of lib-gwt-svg (0.5.3). For a detailed list of changes, see the release notes. This new version, besides providing compatibility with GWT 2.4, provides improvements in two areas:

It supports SVG paint (colors, named colors, gradients, patterns) and dash-arrays by providing parsers […]

SVG paint and stroke

The SVG standard provides a complete API to deal with various forms of paint (rgb colors, named colors, linear gradients, patterns, …) and this API integrates tightly with the CSS APIs to provide programmatic access to the various characteristics of the paint. The dash-array CSS property can also be introspected with the same CSS APIs.


A file API for GWT

This post presents lib-gwt-file, a library which encapsulates the W3C File API and the HTML5 drag-and-drop interfaces.

Let me begin by explaining why I developed this library and how I expect it to evolve. I am currently developing an SVG editor based on GWT and lib-gwt-svg and to be truly useful, users need to be […]

IE9 and lib-gwt-svg

A first (small) step has been made on the way towards running lib-gwt-svg apps into IE9. I have done some tests with the latest code available (called “platform preview 7”). The good news first: a few of the tabs in lib-gwt-svg-samples work, with the present unmodified code (version 0.5.0): shapes, events, features. This is encouraging […]